
eating ratio Learn more about eating ratio

  • What kind of food do geese eat?

    What kind of food do geese eat?

    What kind of food do geese eat?

  • Ratio of pig manure to feed

    Ratio of pig manure to feed

    Ratio of pig manure to feed

  • How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

  • Do bighead carp eat phytoplankton?

    Do bighead carp eat phytoplankton?

    Bighead carp mainly feed on zooplankton, but also feed on phytoplankton. According to Professor Ni Dashu's research, the average ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton in bighead carp food is 1: 4.5. Phytoplankton is dominant in quantity, but its biomass is far less than that of zooplankton. On average, one zooplankton is 10 times or more larger than one phytoplankton. Therefore, from the bighead carp feeding habits analysis, phytoplankton occurrence rate is not low, but the main role in nutrition is still zooplankton. According to this situation, the original Guangdong experience still has room for improvement, namely bighead carp and silver carp.

  • Do you have to pay attention to protein-energy ratio and lysine-energy ratio when making chicken feed?

    Do you have to pay attention to protein-energy ratio and lysine-energy ratio when making chicken feed?

    Do you have to pay attention to protein-energy ratio and lysine-energy ratio when making chicken feed?

  • Laying hen breeding technology is detailed, feed ratio is the key!

    Laying hen breeding technology is detailed, feed ratio is the key!

    Due to the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for food are becoming more and more fastidious. The laying hen market is very popular now. As a chicken specializing in laying eggs, it is different from the broiler we usually eat. The main purpose of laying hens is to ensure the quality of eggs.

    2020-11-11 Laying hens breeding technology detailed explanation feed ratio is the key due to
  • There is a way to save feed by raising pigs with skills.

    There is a way to save feed by raising pigs with skills.

    There is a way to save feed by raising pigs with skills.

  • How do quails not die? How to breed quail?

    How do quails not die? How to breed quail?

    How do quails grow? You know what? Quail breeding what is to pay attention to it? Do you want to know? Then let's take a look together. Breeding of young quail: young quail before 40 days of age. After the young quail is out of the shell and the hair is dry, it can be put into the small quail.

    2019-01-18 quail how to breed no will die
  • The nutritional value, efficacy and function of Snake skin Fruit when to eat Snake skin Fruit

    The nutritional value, efficacy and function of Snake skin Fruit when to eat Snake skin Fruit

    The appearance of snake skin fruit looks very similar to snake skin, sweet and crisp taste, and rich in nutritional value, is a famous fruit in Southeast Asia, it is said that snake skin fruit also has the effect of beauty and beauty, deeply loved by people. Let's follow the editor to learn about the planting methods, nutritional value, efficacy and taboos of snake skin fruit.

  • Whole piglet formula

    Whole piglet formula

    Whole piglet formula

  • The difference between flower crab and crab

    The difference between flower crab and crab

    Autumn is the season to eat crabs, when the crabs are very fat and attract countless foodie, so do you know the difference between flower crabs and crabs? The difference between flower crab and crab crab is the general name of crab, flower crab is a kind of crab, generally refers to the distant sea shuttle

    2020-11-08 The difference between flower crab and crab autumn yes eat crab
  • What if pigs don't get fat just by eating?

    What if pigs don't get fat just by eating?

    In the growth process of raising pigs, some pigs eat only and do not gain fat. what is the reason for this? Now the reasons and treatment methods are introduced as follows: to find the first reason is to check the congenital causes, such as inbreeding, early breeding of sows. The second is to investigate the acquired causes, insufficient breast milk, unreasonable grouping after weaning, bullying the small by the big, suffering from chronic diseases such as anemia, piglet white dysentery, parasitic diseases in vivo and in vitro, surgical diseases, such as castration, intestinal adhesion, unreasonable feed ratio, such as protein deficiency, trace element deficiency, etc. can cause slow growth or stop of pigs.

  • What kind of food does masked palm civet eat?

    What kind of food does masked palm civet eat?

    What kind of food does masked palm civet eat?

  • What grass does the goose eat to grow fast? Grass?

    What grass does the goose eat to grow fast? Grass?

    With the gradual expansion of the aquaculture industry, more and more farmers rely on raising geese to get rich, but considering the breeding cost, many farmers will feed goose grass to gain weight. What kind of grass does the goose eat to grow fast? Grass? According to the herbivorous habits of geese and the demand for annual grass supply

    2020-11-11 The goose eats what the grass grows quickly the grass along with the breeding industry
  • Why is the pig fed with dry material?

    Why is the pig fed with dry material?

    Many pig practices have proved that pig feeding lean food will seriously affect digestion and absorption, resulting in dry feces, red eyes, reduced defecation times, intestinal peristalsis weakening, pig growth slow. Thus it can be seen that it is best for pigs to be fed with raw and dry powder, allow pigs to eat freely, and set up a trough for drinking water or heavy feed, with a feed-water ratio of 1 ∶ 1. This can prevent feed from freezing in winter and spoilage in summer, so that pigs can eat full and grow quickly.

  • Banana peel rotten grapes…lost basin, flowers like to eat medicine, flowering brake!

    Banana peel rotten grapes…lost basin, flowers like to eat medicine, flowering brake!

    Huahua bought 2 catties of grapes and 4 peaches at the supermarket over the weekend. They were left on the coffee table for a few days, and they actually went bad. Moreover, they attracted little bugs! Summer fruits taste good, but they rot faster. So what about the rotten fruit at home? Why don't you take it for the flowers at home?

  • Utilization of three-wheat feed

    Utilization of three-wheat feed

    Wheat bran, wheat bran and wheat straw are called three-wheat feed, which is an important feed in the main wheat producing areas. Rational use of three-wheat feed can promote the development of animal husbandry. If used improperly, not only can not play the desired effect, but also lead to livestock and poultry infected with some diseases, resulting in economic losses. Wheat bran is a kind of feed with high phosphorus and low calcium, and the ratio of phosphorus to calcium is 4 ∶ 1, which is opposite to the physiological ratio of calcium and phosphorus 1.5 ∶ 1 to 2 ∶ 1 for livestock and poultry. Excessive feeding of wheat bran can cause calcium deficiency in the proportion of calcium to phosphorus. Such as rickets of young animals, adult animals

  • Culture techniques of centipede

    Culture techniques of centipede

    Choose a sunny, humid and secluded place to build a pool with a length of 5 meters, a width of 2 meters and a height of 0.8 meters. You can plant some weeds in the pond to simulate the wild environment. Choose centipedes with large size, mild sex, fast growth, high reproduction rate, disease-free and injury-free, which have been used for three or four years.

    2020-11-11 Centipede aquaculture technology selection ventilation sunny Yin damp remote
  • Pig raising 540 program

    Pig raising 540 program

    Pig raising 540 program

  • Feeding method of Meat Dog Feed Formula for Meat Dog

    Feeding method of Meat Dog Feed Formula for Meat Dog

    Meat dog is a kind of dog whose main value is to eat. Its meat is very delicious and has high nutritional value. Now there are many people raising meat dogs. However, when raising meat dogs, many people do not know how their feed ratio is raised.

    2020-11-08 Meat dog of raising method feed formula meat dog yes a kind of